In the cold winter days, the northerners came to the south, and the southern part of the country was really cold. The south went to the north. The northern part of the country felt frozen. In fact, in the south or in the north, there are different colds. The south is cold and cold. To the kind in the bones, the north is dry and cold, and going out to wear a very heavy one has a different experience.
Wanting to spend a warm winter day, we can't do without warm down jackets, because a down jacket can play a very good warmth, and the down jacket is not as thick as a cotton suit, it is more convenient and easy to wear. . So how do winter feathers wear fashion on the premise of keeping warm? How to wear winter down jackets? Let's take a look at it with Xiaobian!
Yisu Women's this mint green down jacket, the color jumped out of the black and white gray winter color, became more beautiful, more eye-catching, more dynamic. With a warm hooded design, the windproof effect is extremely strong. And the wave car line texture also makes this down jacket more visual and more stylish. Paired with a bean-colored half-neck sweater skirt, a pair of black stockings high-heeled ankle boots, fashion sense burst.
This purple lady's down jacket with a very noble atmosphere, white plush embellished on the hat, let this purple become more colorful and more energetic. The length of the knee, the loose version, and the wearing of the skin is very thin. And the large buckle-designed pocket also makes this jacket more fashionable and youthful. Paired with a yellow high-necked knit bottoming shirt + black high-waisted skirt, a pair of silver-white high-heeled shoes, very trendy and eye-catching.
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